Saturday, June 6, 2009

Are You Smarter Than A 4th Grader

The answer is clearly no. I found out a long time ago that even though you are the parent and you have the higher education, the kids have more parent street smarts than you do. I guess they have more time to spend analyzing and dissecting you than you do them. After all, they are just kids, what is hard figuring that out? When they are born, you feed them, change their diapers, hold them and tell them how much you love them. As they become more independent of these basic parenting acts, they spend their time manipulating your mind. It started with fashion and then "you didn't say I couldn't" or "that's not what you said".
I guess I always figured that I had it good until they would become teenagers, but after getting outsmarted on a regular basis in Kindergarten I came to realize that I was already behind and no amount of parenting books could help. I guess I will struggle along and at least act like I know what is going on and hope that I survive it?

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